Sunday, February 14, 2010

My son

Jack… Jack is the name of the son I may never have.

I wanted to put it out there – incase I never get to actually say it. I know many of you wouldn’t understand, I also know some of you will have tears in your eyes reading it.

I just wanted to be able to say it one time.

As a young child, I played moms& babies with my best friend. I was always the mom. As I grew up, life became complicated with my own mom. I vowed off having any kids, if it meant I was end up parenting like she did.

When my BSS Hubby proposed – I told him this “I don’t think or know if I will want children – if you foresee a life with kids, take back the ring. No harm, no foul.”

But cause he is a Bright Shiny Star – he said no. He said he wanted me, whatever I did or didn’t come with. :D I am glad he choose that then – given where we are now. I never have to wonder if he should have married someone else and had kids.

6 years ago – I met my niece. She changed how I saw parenthood and having children. She is amazing. I get to spend a heap of time with her, I get to pseudo-parent. It made me want more, it made me want to do it full-time.

When we started this TTC journey – I could see it in my head. I could see me holding a baby boy. I could see him when he was older, I was washing dishes – he was playing in the back garden. Those were the pictures I kept in front of me on the days when I wanted to give up. My hubby and I talked about kids, about what we would call them.


It was/is the perfect name. Strong and masculine, cause he would have his daddy’s magnetism and leadership, a good meaning (I am a firm believer in naming people for purpose). It is fun and uncomplicated – it is everything I wanted for him.

So I wanted to put it out there – just one time. Because the pictures of him, have gone. I used to call them up at will, now when I try – I get a blank picture. They have faded out – maybe the dream is fading, maybe my heart can’t bear looking at it anymore.

But before he is gone for good – I want you to meet him. He has his dad’s piercing blue eyes, he has my brother’s pure blonde hair, and he has my dad’s laugh.

As odd as it may sound – I love him and I miss him.


  1. Not odd, Cherr. Not odd at all. I know what you mean. I honestly do hope that you will get to meet Jack one day.

  2. I know exactly what you mean. My boy's name is Thomas. And I too have been sending the universe conflicting messages, spent a good five years almost completely convinced I didn't want children, until my niece was born.
